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5 April 2019 - BELFOR Japan received the “Excellent” Award at Japan Resilience Awards 2019, which was given out on 15th March 2019 by the Association for Resilience Japan.This was in recognition of both Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. (hereafter TMNF) and BELFOR Japan's efforts in supporting the strengthening of resilience for companies through the promotion of disaster recovery services.

BELFOR is a specialist in disaster recovery with over 40-years’ experience in Europe and the United States. In Japan, we have deployed energetic activities for early disaster recovery services in alliance with TMNF. We will continue working on shortening the recovery times of affected companies through our disaster recovery services.

Association for Resilience Japan
An association established as a result of the "National Resilience Discussion" of the private advisory panel organized by the National Resilience Minister for the purpose of building a resilient nation in order to achieve the national resilience basic plan in all sectors of Japan –  such as industry, education, government, and non-government.

Japan Resilience Award
Japan Resilience Awards is an evaluation/ commendation system for the companies and organizations that have implemented activities creating a strong and flexible ccountry/community/people, activities contributing to industry, technology development, and product development, etc.

BELFOR Contact

BELFOR Asia Marketing
Phone: +65 6848 1110