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Code of Conduct and notification according to European Whistle Blower Law

BELFOR is the world's leading damage restoration company and employs a total of 14,000 people in 29 countries and more than 550 branches. Its business purpose is the restoration of infrastructure and inventory following fire, water, and storm damage as well as natural disasters. The areas of application range from private homes, commercial enterprises, and large industrial plants to ships and wind turbines.

At BELFOR, we perform expert restoration assistance when it is required following damage. We are pride getting our customers back into business or back into their homes after a disaster.

In doing so, we fulfil our service promise:


BELFOR owes its success and reputation to the fact that our employees, suppliers, and subcontractors demonstrate the highest standards of behaviour, treatment of others, fairness, honesty, and integrity in their work. In addition, we behave responsibly towards society and in a resource-conserving and sustainable manner towards the environment.

This is summarised by our three company values:

  • RESPECT - Be respectful in your dealings with people and the environment
  • INTEGRITY - Be honest and true to your rules
  • COMMITMENT - Be fair and correct

Submit a report

If, despite our high standards, an employee, supplier or subcontractor of BELFOR behaves dishonestly or unethically or even commits criminal offences, you can report this by name or anonymously via the internal reporting office of BELFOR Sweden AB or BELFOR Europe GmbH.

As a whistleblower, your integrity is protected in accordance with the EU requirements and the Swedish implementation of the Whistleblowing Directive (“genomförande av visselblåsardirektivet”).

You can access the reporting form here

If you have any questions about the BELFOR Code of Conduct, the ethical standards or the reporting centre, please contact us by e-mail at csr@belfor.com.